Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Oops I did it again.

When will I learn to not put her to bed without P.J. bottoms. I guess when I get tired of cleanning poop out of the crib and giving her another bath. The bath is fine it's the thought of her in her crib quietly playing with little pooplets. eech


Anonymous said...

We haven't gotten the full experience yet, but we do get some that creep up the back of the diaper, but luckily the "onezy" is there to save the day!!!

Taylor's Dad said...

Our neice had that issue I think they switched to Pampers with the high back or something like that.
The other day I was laying on the couch relaxing when Taylor came up to hand me little items of debris that she finds throughout the house, when I got up to throw it away I realized it was contents that she had fished out of the back of her diaper. I hope that dosen't last too long.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that this hasn't just happened to me in life. My little Thea once figured out how to get her bottoms off... I had to resort to putting her diapers on backwards and duct taping the back (front) so that she couldnt undo them.

Poop adventures are something else.

Oda Daddy said...

"duct tape"....Ha Ha Ha.

