Thursday, December 22, 2005

We finally got our snow.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Why I love Teddy

Teddy never tells me to go to bed but likes to be there when I have to.
Teddy likes wet kisses and doesn’t mind when I jump on him.
Teddy is always ready to play on my conditions.
Teddy understands what I say when nobody else does.
Teddy doesn’t mind when we play hide and go seek in the trash can.
Then Teddy gets a bath and has fun like I do.
Teddy gives the best bear hugs.
Teddy will always be my friend and never make me feel bad.

I love you Teddy.

(Story interpreted by dad.)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Bananna as a sleep aid

To my surprise bananas have tryptophan, and many other benefits than just healthy snack. Check out this web site for some good information.

Baby Everest

Last week I was on the phone and had just pulled Taylor out of her highchair. While I was cleaning the table she had climbed back into the chair and was standing up. My mind was screaming and my heart was skipping like a kid playing hopscotch. I was afraid if I reacted like I felt she might get startled and take a spill, so I calmly walked over to her and lifted her out and onto the floor. Then I sat down to let the adrenaline rush pass since then she has been climbing everything she can get on top of like tables in the back of the couch, I fear the day when I see her standing on the bookshelf.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Oops I did it again.

When will I learn to not put her to bed without P.J. bottoms. I guess when I get tired of cleanning poop out of the crib and giving her another bath. The bath is fine it's the thought of her in her crib quietly playing with little pooplets. eech

What are your favorite baby items?

After 15 mo. of being a stay at home dad there are a few things that I can't function without. Like a plentiful stack of clean wash cloths, and a nice selection of quick meals for those days when dinner is running a little late. Some other items are as follows: a good baby manual ( The What to Expect books ), Diaper Genie, a Costco membership for the diapers and wipes, baby monitor, safety latches on all the cabinets not just the dangerous ones ( I do enough cleaning without having to re-wash all the Tupperware ) Infant Tylonol and tummy drops, a decent carpet cleaner, and of coarse the most important of all wonderful and always willing grandparents.
Tell me of your favorite baby items, or things that make life a little easier.

Thank you.
Home Daddy.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

House work slipping.

With Taylor wanting more and more of my time I find my house work slipping. She is trying to help out now by throwing things away like her dirty diapers and the junk mail that she enjoys shredding, I just need to keep an eye on what she is tossing in the can before I find things missing like my wallet or car keys. After a couple of hours of play I'm ready for a nap. I tried taking a weekend off and found myself playing catch-up for the next three days. My living room and kitchen is in a constant mode of re-arrangement, trying to find a more efficient layout. I think I've just about got it together, I still need to find a place to put a shelf for the diapers and wipes.

Monday, October 03, 2005

High chair vs. Table

I have become a slave to the high chair cleaning it three or four times a day, not to mention anything within two feet of it. I have even made slip covers to try to minimize on washing the pad. So here is what I'm am wondering, is the table harder to keep clean. We will be getting one soon, but is it worth getting earlier.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The baby manual.

This being our first child made everything a new experience. We didn't know if most of it was normal. Like the time we noticed she would stare at the ceiling fan lights completely zoned out, I thought she might be having seizures . Turned out that was fine. Maybe it was all just my paranoid mind not getting enough sleep.I was surprised to find a lot of very useful information in a couple of books, What to expect when your expecting, and What to expect the first year. I call them the baby manual's .

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Questions or answers.

If you have any questions about fatherhood, parenting, or leaving the work force to care for a child and home, this is the place to ask them. If you have answers, ideas, or suggestions to any of the questions posted, please feel free to express them. I'm sure they will help someone somewhere.

Thank you.